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Flowers in May

Flowers in May

After Sakura (cherry blossoms), so many different flowers appear here and there, the festival of flowers is not off, it goes on and on. May is also the month when summer days arrive, it is hot but not yet humid so it is really enjoyable. Fields are covered with small flowers, like those above, and then they will be taken down by the tractor when they prepare the ground for the rice in June. We enjoyed the month of May, going out for walks, and dining Japanese, Italian or Indian food with friends in Osaka and Kyoto.


flowers in May

flowers in May

flowers in May

flowers in May

flowers in May

In a small river, some turtles are out in the sun.

flowers in May

Inside a Japanese restaurant in Kyoto Gyon Shijo.

flowers in May

An alley in Kyoto and at the end... a restaurant.

flowers in May

Even Okinawa drummers came to Hirakata for a free outdoor concert perfomance. Power and totality. Nice to see.



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